Covent Garden, 9 August 2013. |
These days, often the only camera I have with me is my iPhone. It's all completely automatic, but it takes quite a good quality photo and is always there. So here are a few shots taken in London this year; nothing special, just things I wanted to capture. There is only a little nature involved. There will be more of that next time.
This sandy arena (arena seems the right word for such a thing!) had been set up at Covent Garden for some sort of marketing publicity. It looked rather like a giant hovercraft except for the ball players inside.
Queue for the V&A on 30 May 2013 |
I went with my sister to see the David Bowie exhibition at the V&A. But these queues are quite usual even without a popular exhibition. The whole place is popular.
Diana's Diner, Endell Street, 9 August 2013. |
Probably the last chance to take a photo of this shop front. It's sad when small places like this close down, specially in the heart of London. Though, it
might just be a refurbishment.
Harris Hawk in Trafalgar Square, 23 July 2013. |
And here's some nature .. but well tamed. This is a Harris Hawk, used to control the pigeons in Trafalgar Square. Not to hunt and kill them, but to scare them off. It works well, too, combined with the banning of stalls selling bird food. There used to be drifts of pigeons everywhere, and everything was covered with bird droppings. Now there are hardly any, and the whole place looks better for it. You can see a couple in the background.
I was surprised to find this bird apparently unattended. I have seen their handlers before, in quiet side streets with their birds on their arms, but never birds alone like this. And look how normal the people seem to think it is to have a large, sharp-beaked raptor perched nearby!