Sloe bug, Dolycoris baccarum. Adult. Orchid Bank, High Elms Country Park, 30 July 2011. |
Another true bug, also a shield bug. This sloe bug is sometimes called the hairy bug; it is the only one of our shield bugs to be hairy. Even the adult has a fringe of hairs, hard to see without a lens.
The hairs are much more noticeable in the earlier stages of its growth. Below are two earlier instars.
Despite the name, these bugs don't feed on Sloe bushes (aka Blackthorns). I read on-line: "It really loves berries, especially Honeysuckle and Raspberries. It
walks all over them, leaving behind an awful stinking substance. This
makes all berries it walked over inedible." Shame - it looks rather smart!
Sloe bug, Dolycoris baccarum. Late instar nymph. Orchid Bank, High Elms Country Park, 30 July 2011. |
Late instar nymph of the sloe bug, Dolycoris baccarum. Hayes Common, 24 June 2011. |
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