Bug on Hogweed, Heraclium sphondylium. Spring Park, 4 July 2011. |
These are the last of my true bug photos for now. I was not able to conclusively identify the one above. I think it is either a Potato Capsid or a Potato Mirid, Closterotomus norvegicus or Calocoris norvegicus.
The one below has actually been posted before, but I am including it for the sake of completeness. It's a Tortoise Bug, and to me it looks similar to the shield bugs except for its odd plastic-looking mouthparts. It was in the bushes at the edge of an insect-rich meadow. And below it is another specimen, this one from a hedge in Scadbury Park.
Tortoise bug, Eurygaster testudinaria. Darrick Wood, 22 May 2011. |
Tortoise bug, Eurygaster testudinaria. Scadbury Park, 20 July 2011. |
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