Peach Blossom, Thyatira batis. Thyatiridae. In my garden light trap in Hayes on 7 June 2014. |
Now it's getting more towards Summer, more interesting moths are turning up in my trap. This Peach Blossom has, when it's fresh, a peach blush in the white spots towards the end of its wings. This is a nice fresh specimen. This is always a cheerful sight, with its subtle yet definite colour and furry shoulders.
Bird's Wing, Dypterygia scabriuscula. Noctuidae. In my garden light trap in Hayes on 12 June 2014. Side view. |
This is a much more sombre moth, but its patterning is startling. Viewed from the side like this, you can see the crests on its thorax.
Bird's Wing, Dypterygia scabriuscula. Noctuidae. In my garden light trap in Hayes on 12 June 2014. Top view. |
From above, you can see where the English name comes from. I only had one worn specimen of this last year, so it was good to see this fresh one.
Buff-tip, Phalera bucephala, Notodontidae, with two Flames, Axylia putris, Noctuidae.
In my garden balcony light trap in Hayes on 15 June 2014. |
Two moths from different families that have the same type of camouflage, resembling broken twigs. The Buff-tip, the larger one, is especially good at this and looks just like a piece of a Silver Birch.
I have half a dozen different pieces of bark that I place moths on for photos, and these are posed by me, not natural stances. In fact I also moved the left-hand Flame closer in using Photoshop. But the moths themselves are just as they came, untouched by electronic magic.
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