Seed pods of Yellow Iris, Iris pseudacorus. Spring Park, 17 October 2014. |
Two types of ripe Iris seed pods seen on wet days. First is the Yellow Iris or Yellow Flag, a plant that grows in shallow water and so is common around the edges of ponds. This one was in the pond at the bottom of Spring Park wood. These pods look a little like miniature corn on the cob.
Seed pod of Stinking Iris, Iris foetidissima. Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve, 4 November 2014. |
And the showy pods of Stinking Iris, crammed full of vermilion seeds. The leaves have a very odd smell when crushed, which is sometimes compared to roast beef, though I wouldn't want to eat it if it smelled like that. Those who have tried them tell me that it takes a long time to get flowering plants from these seeds.
Those are wonderful! Beautifully photographed, tool I must share them with my iris-fancying friends. I have just conquered the setting up of a newer, and WiFi, Kindle, which will support the way that in the future we shall be handling the reading devices. As usual, the Manual makes no practical sense, but one can learn from the devices and the "Cloud" concept. It is literally freezing tonight in Louisiana.