Old Lodge Nature Reserve, Ashdown Forest. 22 February 2018 |
I walked around part of the Old Lodge nature reserve with an extra wide angle lens on my camera. It's just a cheap add-on, and not very sharp, but it gives quite atmospheric results.
This is a ridge and ditch which runs down the hill. It looks like an old border marker.
Old Lodge Nature Reserve, Ashdown Forest. 22 February 2018 |
Near the entrance, some trees were being trimmed back.
Old Lodge Nature Reserve, Ashdown Forest. 22 February 2018 |
You can find some flowers on Gorse nearly all year, though they are not abundant all the time. It puts on the best show early in the year. Back in Hayes I used to see early bumble bees taking advantage of this. It's too early yet for those, though.
Dwarf gorse is quite common on the Ashdown. It is at its most showy later in the year.
Old Lodge Nature Reserve, Ashdown Forest. 22 February 2018 |
There are some ponds and marshy areas near the path that circles the reserve. There are dragonflies in season ...
Old Lodge Nature Reserve, Ashdown Forest. 22 February 2018 |
This last shot was taken with an ordinary 24mm wide angle lens. It's much sharper, and the resulting pictures are easier to crop. I like the circular pics for an occasional change of mood, but it's not an everyday lens.
I am so glad to see your new photos, and so interesting, too.