Saturday 6 August 2011

Foxglove and Bumblebee

Foxglove flowers, a cultivated variety of Digitalis purpurea, with a bumblebee, Bombus lucorum, in the back garden of my house in Hayes. 23 July 2011.
Foxglove flowers, a cultivated variety of Digitalis purpurea, with a bumblebee, Bombus lucorum,
in the back garden of my house in Hayes. 23 July 2011.
This is a snap I took while working on a photo of a Love-in-a-Mist flower. The bumblebee is actually emerging from the flower. They come out backwards. This makes it quite easy to get photos that look as though they are on their way in!

The other plant you can see above the bee is a Grevillea, "Canberra Gem" (G. juniperina x G. rosmarinifolia), a garden plant native to Australia.

Taken with the EOS 60D, 200mm prime lens and 2x extender.

1 comment:

  1. Be they never so inedible, the foxglove blossoms are enchanting. I never thought about that: the bee doesn't want to make a U-turn to get out!
