Monday, 25 April 2011

Sun Spurge And Ant

Sun Spurge, Euphorbia helioscopa, in High Elms Country Park.  An ant is harvesting pollen. 25 April 2011.
Sun Spurge, Euphorbia helioscopa, in High Elms Country Park.  An ant is harvesting pollen. 25 April 2011.


  1. Oh, the euphorbiae are a wonderful family, all of them beautiful, but as I learned from the ones we had in New England, most extremely thorny! And poinsettias are among them. The seeming flowers within flowers.

  2. Some of the semi-desert types are fiercely thorny. They occupy in Africa the same ecological niche that cacti do in the Americas. These woodland species in Britain are soft-stemmed and leafy, which is normal for their ecological niche; their protection is their poisonous milky sap.
