Thursday 29 December 2011

Blushing Bracket

Blushing Bracket, Daedaleopsis confragosa. Underside. On a fallen tree on Hayes Common. 21 December 2011.
Blushing Bracket, Daedaleopsis confragosa. Underside. On a fallen tree on Hayes Common. 21 December 2011.
I walked round the local woods a few times around Christmas and found many fungi. Some looked rather ordinary; some looked messy; one looked like nothing I could identify, a jellified yellow cup full of grey ash.  The brackets were probably the most noticeable.  This one looked rather smart, at least from below.

It was on a small fallen tree in a dense patch of woodland, and there was so much of it on the tree that it was probably the reason it died. I counted about 30 brackets like this one. Here's a shot of the top surface of a few of the lower ones.

Blushing Bracket, Daedaleopsis confragosa. Upper side. On a fallen tree on Hayes Common. 21 December 2011.
Blushing Bracket, Daedaleopsis confragosa. Upper side. On a fallen tree on Hayes Common. 21 December 2011.

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